Foreign language fund accepting grant applications
Monday, Nov. 6, 2023
LAKE PLACID — Foreign language educators are encouraged to apply to Adirondack Foundation for grants now through Jan. 15, 2024.
Adirondack Foundation’s Adirondack Foreign Language Enhancement Fund (AFLEF) supports innovation in French and Spanish classrooms and elevates the status of language teachers in the teaching community. Priority will be given to language projects that go beyond a school's budget to:
- Support immersion in French and Spanish language and culture
- Open opportunities to explore new teaching technologies
- Promote collaborative initiatives among schools, such as partnerships with BOCES to maximize efficiency and impact
- Support career enhancement training for teachers, including workshops and conferences
- Stretch beyond the norm through innovative projects
Grant amounts typically range from $500 to $3,000, but larger grants are sometimes given for exceptional projects. The fund does not support college-level instructors of foreign languages. Applications for language/cultural immersion field trips for both students and teachers will be considered if students and teachers take responsibility for much of the fundraising.
Projects that received funding in 2023 included upgraded classroom and teaching technology, textbook purchases, immersive field trips and professional development.
Applications must be submitted through Adirondack Foundation’s Online Grants Manager: https://www.