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Collaborating for Good Across the Adirondacks

Among nonprofits, community foundations are unique for the role they play not only in inspiring philanthropy in the region they serve but acting as cornerstones for good through collaboration and partnerships. We are proud to play this role for the Adirondack region – to serve as the connective tissue between people and the causes they care about, nonprofit organizations and the communities they serve, and fellow funders and shared priorities.

Nurturing and growing these collaborative partnerships allows us to keep an ear to the ground on current and emerging community issues, maximize our impact, and realize our mission of enhancing the lives of people in the Adirondacks through philanthropy. As the philanthropic hub for the Adirondack region, we play a leadership role as convener, facilitator, catalyst, and, most importantly, partner. This is all a part of our Strong Community Framework for the Adirondacks, which guides our work to help create healthier, stronger, and more equitable communities for today and tomorrow.

Three Connections We Make to Create Positive Change

Creating lasting change across the Adirondack region is at the center of our work. We collaborate with others to respond to changing needs in our communities by connecting…

  1. People

    We open up outlets for organizations, institutions, and other entities to collaborate in new ways. By breaking down silos, we foster constructive dialogue and create opportunities for changemaking. 

  2. Ideas

    Our strategic initiatives are formed around key issues and opportunities and grounded in a deep sense of place to work toward a common good. 

  3. Resources

    Our work with hundreds of donors, nonprofits, foundations, businesses, civic leaders, schools, and municipalities gives us a unique perspective, which we use to marshall resources to help our region thrive. 

  • Mother with baby
    Adirondack Birth to Three Alliance (BT3)

    80% of brain development occurs during the first 1,000 days of life. Our Adirondack BT3 Alliance is focused on providing kids with the best possible start so they can grow up to become healthy, thriving, contributing members of their communities.

    Learn More
  • People talking around tables
    Adirondack Region Social Safety Network

    Over 40% of people in our region struggle with food, shelter, transportation, and access to physical and mental health support. The organizations serving this community have said they cannot do their work without more help. Adirondack Foundation is reconnecting the ecosystem of service organizations so they can more effectively serve our neighbors in need. 

    Learn More
  • discussion panel participants on stage. Photo by Eric Teed
    Adirondack Innovation Initiative (A2I)

    A2I seeks to build a tech innovation ecosystem and network in the greater Adirondacks to help more people live in the Adirondack region full-time, with a good job that supports a sustainable lifestyle. 

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  • students at a career exploration fair
    Education and Career Pathways

    The success of our youth ensures the vitality of our region. As our youth make their way through middle and high school, access and awareness of career readiness resources are not equal. To ensure young people have access to meaningful careers and stay in our region, we work to support education and career pathways for all students. 

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  • View from Castle Rock in Blue Mountain Lake
    Funders for the Adirondacks 

    This collective brings together Adirondack-focused philanthropists to share ideas and information and identify ways to work together to deepen investments in local communities.

    Learn More
Young girl picking flowers

Testimonial Section

On behalf of our team and especially the kids we serve, thank you again for making a difference in our community! With your help, we are making our community stronger during these unprecedented times.

Marie Busse

Big Brothers, Big Sisters of the Southern Adirondacks
Special and Urgent Needs Fund grant recipient
  • Andy Robinson facilitating an Adirondack Nonprofit Network training
    Nonprofit Trainings + Workshops

    Our nonprofit training topics range from fundraising to how to tell a compelling story using your organization's data and are built for board and staff alike. See what’s coming up.

    See Upcoming Events 
  • Blue Mountain Center
    Adirondack Research

    Our 30,000-foot view of the Adirondack region allows us to track emerging needs and trends. We enlist investigative journalists and other researchers to bring the information down to ground-level, with data, stories, and recommendations, helping to identify gaps and opportunities where philanthropic investments can make a difference.

    See Latest Research
Roasting marshmallows around a fire near a lake