Applications may be made via our Online Grants Manager and will require the following information:
- Describe your funding need in detail
- Who will benefit?
- Why is it important? Or: What will be different because of this grant?
- How much will it cost?
- Photo release
- Budget Breakdown - Click here to see an example of a budget breakdown
IMPORTANT NOTE TO IN-HOME PROVIDERS: When you create an account in the Grants Manager, since you are not a 501(c)3 organization, please put N/A in the Tax ID field, and put your last name in the Organization field, followed by the name of your child care. For example: Smith-Tiny Tots Childcare Center.
Additionally, when you get into the Apply page in the Grants Manager, please scroll down the page to be sure you are applying for Small Grants for Small Children, NOT Special and Urgent Needs Fund.
Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.
Who is eligible?
Certified child care providers in Clinton, Essex, Franklin, Hamilton, and North Warren Counties (within the Adirondack Park boundary) including Akwesasne may apply only if you serve children ages birth to 3. It's OK if you also serve older children.
Grants will be made to support:
- Expenses to assist with licensing regulations
- Tuition assistance for families in need
- Expenses related to professional development training
- Equipment and supplies such as toys, fences, and outdoor learning space
- Tools for enrichment and educational resources
- Other early care provider needs
Grants will not support:- Containment equipment (car seats, highchairs, bouncy seats, playpens, porta cribs, strollers, swings, etc.)
Adirondack Foundation’s policy remains that in order to receive grants from the Small Grants for Small Children Fund, recipients must be found in statutory and regulatory compliance at all inspections by the New York State Office of Children and Family Services. -
Small Grants for Small Children supports child care providers in Clinton, Essex, Franklin, Hamilton, and north Warren counties (within the Adirondack Park boundary), as well as the Akwesasne Saint Regis Mohawk Reservation.
Typical grants range from $100 - $500. Click here to see a sample budget breakdown.
IMPORTANT NOTE TO IN-HOME PROVIDERS: Please be aware that the selection committee will review your proposal and work with Adirondack Community Action Program (ACAP), the Childcare Coordinating Council of the North Country, or the Southern Adirondack Child Care Network to distribute any awarded grant funds. All grant checks to in-home providers will come from one of these agencies according to the county in which you operate.
1. Read the above to determine your eligibility.
2. Create an Online Grants Manager account in preparation to submit your application.
For more information, visit our Online Grants Manager page.
3. Complete and submit your application.
4. Wait to hear if your application was approved and if so, contact the appropriate agency referenced in your approval notification to receive your grant funds
5. Promote your grant.
For those applicants who have been notified that they’ve received funding, you can access our Grantee Resources portal, where you’ll find sample press releases, sample social media posts, various versions of our logo, and other tools to help you share the good news. Don’t forget to tag us in your communications so that we can amplify your good work on our own digital channels.
6. Complete follow-up survey if needed.
Recipients of Small Grants for Small Children may periodically be asked to complete a follow-up survey about the impact your grant had on your child care program. You may be contacted via email to complete this survey.