Allen Scholarship accepting applications
Thursday, April 12, 2018

ESSEX — The Essex Community Fund (ECF) announces that the Lawson and Clint Allen Academic and Leadership Scholarship is open to graduating high school seniors from the towns of Essex and Willsboro.
The Allen Scholarship awards one scholarship each year and will track students through either a four or two year institution or a trade school. It expects to provide a $5,000 scholarship for the academic year of 2018-19 and continue at that level as long as a recipient makes steady progress toward a degree or completing a trade certificate. Lawson and Clint Allen expect scholarship recipients “to pay it forward” though a lifetime of contributions to their communities and the nation.
“Education is where our hearts are, and it’s the focus of our philanthropy,” Lawson Allen said. “Being a part of this community, we learned that students in Essex and Willsboro need real financial help to get to college. And we learned that the impact of our generosity here in the Adirondacks goes a lot farther than it does in many other places. A few thousand dollars can make or break a kid’s ability to go to college.”
Applicants may obtain scholarship application forms from the guidance counselors at Willsboro or Westport central schools, or by writing to ECF at P.O. Box 101, Essex, New York 12936. For more information about the Lawson and Clint Allen Scholarship, contact Nick Muller at (518) 963-8188 or [email protected].
A community based organization established in 2003, mostly supported by local residents both seasonal and year-round, the Essex Community Fund has developed an endowment at Adirondack Foundation that has enabled it to award nearly $198,000 in grants that support qualified Essex organizations or those serving the residents of Essex.
The grants support education, culture, the arts, historic preservation, community beautification, and programs for youth and senior citizens. ECF gives a strong preference to capacity building and small one-time capital projects. Grants do not usually exceed $2,000.
For more information or to donate online, click here.
Learn more about how Adirondack Foundation strengthens community through philanthropy here.