• Minerva Sleeping Giants

The group is led by the following dedicated community leaders who have worked tirelessly to grow the fund into a meaningful, lasting resource for the five towns in the CFGMR service area:

  • Mary Ann Bowers, Johnsburg
  • Kathy Halloran, Minerva
  • Peter Heonis, Chestertown
  • Heidi Kelly, Vice-Chair, Minerva
  • Joan Lawless, Schroon
  • Tom Magee, Horicon
  • Beth Maher, Johnsburg
  • Deb Morris, Johnsburg
  • Mindy Preuninger, Chair, Minerva
  • Sue Repko, Schroon
  • Kristine Tribou, Schroon
  • Carol Whitney, Horicon

How You Can Support the Fund - The Spirit of Giving Campaign

Looking for a meaningful way to support the place you love? The Community Fund for the Gore Mountain Region offers a special way to contribute. Make a gift in honor of another person, family or group. These contributions can be made in celebration of any special occasion: birthdays, weddings, or anniversaries; as a memorial gift of an Adirondack neighbor; a holiday gift to those with a special connection to our area; or as a thank you to one of our local nonprofits. Your gift will become part of the funds distributed each year that benefit and strengthen our communities. 

To participate in the Spirit of Giving Campaign, make a donation using the online form below and under "special instructions," please include the following information:

  • Your name, mailing address, phone number, and donation amount
  • The name of the person or persons you're giving in honor of and their mailing address

You can help improve the quality of life for all residents of the Gore Mountain region. Contact any member of the Advisory Committee or Adirondack Foundation staff for additional information.

Checks can also be mailed to Adirondack Foundation, PO Box 288, Lake Placid, NY 12946. Checks should be made out to Adirondack Foundation with “CFGMR” in the memo line. 

Make your Gift to the Community Fund for the Gore Mountain Region