Adirondack Research + Surveys

Targeted research and surveys help us track nonprofit trends, bring attention to emerging issues, dig deeper into specific topics, and identify promising solutions. This helps us keep a pulse on how philanthropy can make a difference for the Adirondack region. Explore more below…

  • Children in snowsuits running down driveway
    Adirondack Regional Social Safety Network

    Adirondack Foundation, in partnership with the Rugge Center for Community Impact, and generous funding by the Mother Cabrini Health Foundation, presents this report on our region’s social safety net. The report’s primary goal is to spark conversations among diverse stakeholders about how we can collectively strengthen our social safety net.  

    Read the Report
  • Report cover image
    A Comprehensive Fiscal Analysis of the Prenatal to Five System in the Adirondack Region of New York State

    This Fiscal Analysis focuses on multiple services and elements of financing the prenatal to five system, including understanding available service capacity, current funding, the true cost of services and infrastructure, and the revenue needed to achieve the shared vision established for the Adirondack region’s young children and their families. 

    Read the Report
  • students at a career exploration fair

    Most Promising Jobs Report

    Adirondack Foundation publishes the "Most Promising Jobs of the Adirondack North Country" report — a guide designed to empower youth, families, educators, and career seekers with valuable insights into the employment landscape of New York’s North Country. 

    Read the Report
  • Street scene featuring crossroads in a small town.
    A Place to Start: Adirondack Housing Resources

    This resource, created in partnership with Northern Forest Center, is a compilation existing best practices and resources to address our communities' housing needs.  This resource provides a starting point to accelerate the process for finding housing solutions.

    Read the Housing Resource
  • A woman wearing a mask packs emergency food boxes.
    COVID-19 Impacts on Nonprofits in the Adirondacks

    Two surveys, completed in partnership with the Cloudsplitter Foundation, are helping us track the impacts of COVID-19 on nonprofits in the region. Read our latest findings from fall 2020 here. You can also find findings from the spring 2020 survey here.

    See Highlights from the Survey
  • Smiling kids gather with a hoola hoop.
    Meeting the Needs of Adirondack Communities

    This report identifies critical needs and highlights existing efforts and new initiatives seeking to improve the quality of life in our region. Each section makes daunting social issues feel more tangible and accessible through personal stories.

    Read the Report Here
  • Tupper Lake at night
    Economic Impact of Adirondack Nonprofits

    Read an economic impact study, which combines financial information from 36 nonprofit organizations to demonstrate how nonprofits help to drive the regional economy.  You can also view an interactive summary of the report here.

    Read the Full Study Here
  • Kids take a break from a craft activity at daycare.
    Food Backpack Programming in the Adirondacks

    This report looks at public school-based food backpack programs to better understand their scale, scope, and scaffolding. The average per-child cost for these programs, which provide more than 1,100 students across the Adirondacks, is $183 for 30 weeks. Raising the necessary funds is among the challenges they face.

    Read the Full Report Here